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03-01-2015, 09:24:10
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03-01-2015, 06:29:34
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6427. TanyaWLima
02-01-2015, 11:14:40
we are using glycogen as this store source ok I will hide it in a skeletal muscle be used like a gin as energy source for I chaining wait is this enchanting is anaerobic activity takes carbohydrate as a primary all source of energy and couple hides that is either stored in the muscle or available from a dietary a couple had been take prior to the workout so in a doing let’s run out of a strenuous physical activity the depleted glycogen storage cell immediately of their now the Heather logical and legitimate. we are using glycogen as this store source ok I will hide it in a skeletal muscle be used like a gin as energy source for I chaining wait is this enchanting is anaerobic activity takes carbohydrate as a primary all source of energy and couple hides that is either stored in the muscle or available from a dietary a couple had been take prior to the workout so in a doing let’s run out of a strenuous physical activity the depleted glycogen storage cell immediately of their now the Heather logical and legitimate
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02-01-2015, 10:22:51
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6425. Judith Oboyle
02-01-2015, 07:45:52
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